Valentine's Day

This week’s assignment in my Writing class is to make a valentine.
I just can’t. As hard as I try I can’t make up the energy to do it.
I want to be happy and loving and cute.
I want to show my friends how much I like them.
I want to tell the person I like that I like them.
But. I. Just. Can’t.
I’m too broken.
My life has broken me to the point that I don’t even know what love is anymore.
Love is a mystery to me at this point.
The love I got from my dad turned out to be toxic and decayed my soul.
The love I got from my mom is odd. Only given out when I make her proud.
But no matter what I’ve tried, love hasn’t stayed with me.
It’s like I was sprayed with non stick cooking spray, but for love.

I can only hope that one day I can get rid of the coating all over me and someone will love me again.
