
I have anxiety.
Not “oh I have a test I didn’t study for” anxiety.
No, it’s real real genuine anxiety.

I have anxiety/panic attacks.
I shake and I can’t breathe.
My heart races and I feel like I’m gonna die.

When I start feeling an anxiety attack coming on,
I start to tap on my skin.
Not a casual tap.

No. It’s a drumming tap.
A tattoo needle speed tap. A speed that if I could tap
At that speed my skin would be filled with marks like stars.

My arm, my collarbone, my thighs.
They would all be covered in little stars.
Maybe I would love myself more then

I would be the sky,
But for real.

Filled with constellations and beauty.


  1. I can completely relate. fun fact: the human body cant really differentiate between life threatening stress and every day normal stress. So yeah you really do feel like you are dying because your body reacts in the exact same way as if you were.


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