Come On In

It wasn’t unusual for Mr. Lark to call me into his office on Monday mornings, I am his secretary after all, but this Monday was different than usual because Mr. Lark wasn’t there when I walked in. I figured that nothing was the matter, that he was just getting his coffee from the interns at the front. Their little brains never work quite right on Mondays and they forget drinks. I sat in my chair and got comfortable with my tea and a magazine. It was abnormally rainy today, but it is Seattle so rain isn’t uncommon, but it was rainy enough to soak my heels. I took them off and placed them on the floor next to my chair, Mr. Lark won’t mind, he always says that my heels make him nervous. I started to nod off to sleep when I noticed something odd in Mr. Lark’s office, the pictures on his desk… no that can’t be right. I’m probably just tired. Pictures don’t flicker, they don’t disappear only to reappear moments later. Maybe I do need to give in to the whole Starbucks craze everyone is on.
I'm about to leave Mr. Lark’s room when a hand comes out of one of his pictures…. A human hand. Reaching for me. I can't leave. I can only stand there and stare as the hand pulls itself out of the picture frame. The creature is revealed up to its shoulder. I'm paralyzed with fear and I squeeze my eyes shut. When I open my eyes there is a tall skinny white creature standing in front of me. It has red eyes, as red as hell fire. It's nails are practically talons. Sharp and cruel looking. Against my better judgment I look at it and try to talk to it.
“Hello? I'm Allie. Who… What are you?” It says nothing. It stands there and stares at me with its bright red eyes. Suddenly he crouches down and smiles at me. I turn to run out and it grabs me.
“I am the thing you sold your soul to. I am the thing you prayed to in the darkest nights. I am the one you prayed to when you were alone and scared. I have come to collect you.”
“I never did that! I never gave my soul to anything! I never prayed to you!! Let me go!!!” I screamed. I hoped someone would hear me and save me.

“You prayed to anything to save you. You said you'd give anything to live. I listened. I answered. I collect” That's the last thing I remember before I was dragged into the darkness. The darkness is all I know now. I don't know how long I've been in this darkness but I know this is where I'll die. If I ever die. No one is here with me and I don't think I'll ever see anyone ever again. I can feel my sanity slipping away. Help me.
